Title: Daisy Chains (the trials and tribulations of a summoner, part 3)
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Characters: Yuna, Rikku, Auron, Tidus, et al.
Prompt: 007 Days
Word Count: 390
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Confusion, kissy wissys and Tidus making daisy chains. And poor Yuna's sooo in love! The Yunieverse is just sooo messed up!
Table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/11132.htmlPart 1:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/32134.htmlPart 2:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/32348.html “Oh Rikku, I’m so in love,” Yuna sighed tragically to her cousin.
“Yunie! I love you too!” Rikku exclaimed happily. “In a cousins-only way, duh, but you’re my favourite Yunie in the whole Yunieverse! Heeheeheeheehee!”
“Rikku, I’m trying to tell you something important!” Yuna said in a solemn yet high-pitched voice. “Like I said, I’m so in love!”
“And like I said Yunie, you’re just not my type!” Rikku said, giggling.
“Good! You’re not my type either! But him… oh Rikku, I’ve loved him since forever!” Yuna announced dreamily. Rikku grinned and bounced up and down for a moment before skipping over to where Tidus sat making a daisy chain and pulling him over to Yuna.
“Tidus, Yuna loves you and she wants a biiiig kissy!” Rikku said, making kissy faces and squealing with joy at all the love.
“But - I - I -“ Tidus stuttered.
“What, you need practise? Come here then,” Rikku said, and with an insane grin she landed a big sloppy kiss right on Tidus’ lips.
“No - that’s not what I was going to say. I’m - I’m - I’m - I’m in love with Wakka!” Tidus said once Rikku released him.
“That’s wonderful!” Yuna said, clasping her hands and skipping on the spot.
“You’re not mad?” Tidus queried. Yuna giggled girlishly.
“Goodness no! I’m not in love with you, Rikku got the wrong end of the stick,” she said cheerfully.
“So… who are you in love with, Yunie?” Rikku asked, her eyes wide. Yuna looked around furtively, and then whispered in her ear. Rikku’s jaw hit the ground.
“You fancy AURON?!?!?!?!?!” Rikku screeched. “He’s mine, I tell you! MINE!”
“Yuna - I know your father was my best friend back in the day, but I just can’t resist these feelings any more! I love you!” Auron announced and swept Yuna into a passionate embrace.
“Get a room!” Lulu yelled after Rikku had run off screaming, Wakka and Tidus had been turned on and had started making out on the floor and Kimahri had run off to do beastly things with fiends.
“Will do!” Yuna giggled and dragged Auron off into the travel agency.
“So, how long have you loved Auron for, Yunie?” Rikku asked the next day.
“Oh, for so long… I thought my heart would break,” Yuna said dramatically.
“Yeah, but how long?” Rikku asked.
“Oh, for days…”