so i realized i never update livejournal anymore because it is gay and i dont like it, but i figured i would post some pictures of all my friends in arizona. [by the way, ARIZONA is amazing. GO WILDCATS!!!
i never thought that i would miss any of the things i left, or will be leaving, behind. i thought than when this time came it would be a very easy transition...but as august 18th is approaching, i am quite unsure what the future has in store for me
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MTV is airing a new show called "Parental Control." I had an audition with them and they want to use me in the first show... Downside - I need to bring a guy with me, willing to pretend to be my boyfriend. We each make 500bux if you are interested... LET ME KNOW!
[sidenote: you need to be REALLY outgoing.] ♥ ALYSON
so yesterday i got my first "moving violation ticket." suposedly i "rolled through a stop sign." so now i have to go to court and do this big ass deal. SO NOT FUN...