This is a cover concept for Kid Vicious #1, a comic i've been working on. We might end up using this as the cover for a collected volume rather than the first issue.
So yeah, we moved back to Cali. Hey Fatalroxy - i guess that means you can come visit sometime. My kitty cat did considerably well on the ride down, considering he was trapped in a box for almost 11 hours. He didn't even poop! Everything here looks either dead or wrapped in plastic.
I've come up with another piece of vernacular for the American-Gangsta Lexicon. It is "livin' in a blimp". So, like, if someone asks how you're doing and you're doing good, you say "I'm livin' in a blimp!". I think the meaning insinuated is i'm up in the air, i'm going places, big things, you know... Anyway, go ahead and start spreading it people.