2009 Recap:
My resolutions from last year had me getting up for work, getting my laptop and writing more, I believe.
Hm...well getting up for work in hopes of not getting fired, didn't last very long, not very long at all. But in light of that... the opportunity to get a job I truly enjoy arrived. For which I MUST be up and out the door by a specific and relatively early hour. Earlier than I normally had to be at Kohl's anyway. And I've been 'late' um, thrice. But really only once, and I called ahead. Aside from not wanting to ruin a good thing getting mocked for tardiness by middle schoolers is quite a thing to make you be to work on time.
well as I'm writing on my laptop, it seems I succeeded in that second one...though that was through luck, computer fail, and sneakiness if you recall. However leaps and bounds in actual cleaning did happen over the break. (Pete still wonders why, and I refuse to provide an answer to these types of questions).
The writing. Hm. Well two out of three ain't bad. er, one and a half
The most unexpected thing of 2009, for me, was Star Trek and the ways in which it has changed my understanding of that subculture.
Resolutions for 2010:
1. Continue cleaning. I'll know I've reached this goal if we can play wii in the basement and view the tv comfortably from multiple pieces of furniture, I'm not afraid to store things in my closet, and the furnace room resembles a room and not a series of pathways.
2. Write! This goal can feel fulfilled if I finish enough of any original work to start asking people to proofread, finish (before the next movie comes out) that Trek/Potter fusion, and don't give up on the great adventure story just because my friends will only recieve fragments of story come Twelfth Night.
3. Get back on track financially. (Being without job for six months has put me behind in ways I've rather not enjoyed.) Goal is to know what needs paid when and pay it, set travel funds aside, and not rack up more debt just because my credit cards have given me higher limits.
4. Kiss fewer frogs who turn out to be toads.
5. Don't get so drunk I fall over a table.
6. Visit some place fun and new!