Last year's rezes 1. Clean 2. Write 3. Fix $$ 4. Fewer Frogs Toads 5. Don't get Fall-down-drunk! 6. Go places
The 2010 Breakdown:
January: I gave up on the super-awesome-choose-your-own-adventure story. /o\
But I wrote a short fanfic. \o/
February: Seemed to be all about figuring out how to get kids to respect my authority without turning into Cartmen and watching Psych.
March: i remember lots of testing... soul-sucking testing...and Psych to get me through it. Run-in w/ Prince Taken
April: went to Nashville (before the great muddy waters came) and spent time with E. *\o/*
May: Epic Birthday Baseball Game. Lots of family time...
June: consisted of a lot of planning interrupted by an overnight with my niece at a zoo. \o/ And reconnecting with boys who I used to work with. One potential frog in play. Wrote 3 Chapters *\o/*
July: Frog came and went without a prince taking his spot. (nor a toad) /o\ Have weird dream about Prince Taken. Made new friend. Reach milestone birthday: My 9th 21st to be exact. (Many boys cannot add). Worst hangover ever ensued EPIC /o\ Which technically killed rez 5, but also poked holes at rez 4 /o\
August: Phoenix \o/ Vegas \o/. Learned a new level of patience while locating a lower level of hell all with pretty backgrounds. Met Tim & Tom. Not sure on actual Frog status. --Returned to work--improving rez 3. \o/
Had KittyComp stolen! /o\ Lost 3 Chapters!!
September: spent bitterly missing KittyComp. Achieved zero writing, only went to work (and soccer games), didn't get drunk over it partially due to lack of funds (due in part to Vegas), andif I had managed to meet a frog I would have scared him off with my bitterness. Also, I did not use this internet free time to clean anything useful. Oh! AND 'Ruko broke down two weeks in a row on way to Chipotle's. Just proof that I a. had fixed the finances but then recked them again.
October: spent month eating potatoes at work to save money (no seriously)/eating cheap school lunches. Became a money-saving cave-dweller that occasionally went bowling. Did get hit on by a bowler...but NEVER was he a Frog. (Um Halloween Parties--saw many interesting costumes from Edward to Brokeback and everything in between, adjacent to, and in a superhero universe. )
November: Bought Mac(iavelli). Bowled. Ate. Shopped. Read.
December: Located my flashdrive, discovered compatibility error is harsh. Worked. Worked. Worked. Returned to the Church.
The short is, I remember not any significant cleaning until such a time as mice infested our house and for Xmas. I did far more reading than writing (though not mentioned above) and the bit I did do got stolen/is incompatible. I did however fix my monetary issues. A job helps a lot with that. Keeping it adds. I mostly left the frogs in the pond, the few short encounters did not result in attempts to test princehood. I may not have fallen down on my birthday, but that's ONLY because I surrounded myself with boys whose sole purposes were to make sure that didn't happen. The only rez I'd say I truly successfully fulfilled was seeing new and exciting places. I had many adventures in 2010.
Resolutions for 2011.
1. Screw 'cleaning'. Prepare my stuff to be moved out at moments notice so I can run if I get the chance!
2. Get the darn chance!!!
Okay that's not really a resolution.
3. Set realistic writing goals and tell someone other than My computer about them so that someone can guilt me into finishing on time.
4. Keep going even if my deadline passes!
So those are both about writing.
5. Read at least half of this stack of books before I buy enough to double it.
6. Stay 'in' this year. Meaning don't try to find frogs, princes or even flings until I re-establish me.
7. Be more assertive in group settings/express myself more clearly.
8. Join some groups. (containing actual peers)
Actual goals you really want to achieve repeatedly!