Awww. <33 Cute! I was going to get a cat run for Penny...however, no need. She is not a fan of anywhere but our back garden and sprints in the house the moment anything unusual happens. lol To be honest this was probably my fault because when she was younger I accidentally left her outside in the rain. Which in her eyes is unforgivable...she came in half dry and half soaked as she always forgets she is more than just her head and front paws. lol
Now ever since we run around the house looking for her if she disappears so she never gets any privacy in her opinion. lol
heeh. :) Well, that's good. Unfortunately, Modem also used to only just go out back or out front and didn't go near the roads, at least not often, so I'm simply not taking any chances this time. He's marked and chipped for IF he gets out and I think I'll even get him a collar and put a phone number on it, just in case, but it's not my plan to ever let him loose. I do plan on spoiling him, though. :)
:) Yeah Penny is chipped and has a tag on her collar as you never know.
Will the cat run be connected to the back of the house? I think the only way Penny would use one is if she didn't have to step outside at all so like a cat flap thing...but then she'd guard the cat flap.
No we can't really connect it directly to the house because then we'd have to step through it to get to our garden and that's a bit eh. But our current plan is to make the cat run kind of at the other end of the terrace and encompassing some of the much-neglected flowerbed, and then to shut off the rest of the terrace with a removable enforced net. That way we can just open the door for him whenever we're lazy, and we can shut him in the cage whenever we need the freedom to go outside ourselves. At least we think it sounds like a plan. XD
Haha, I see it as more of a scowl, really. He did not like the flash very much, but to his credit he didn't even flinch. He just crouched like that and stared at me until I was done.
I'm not sure how easy or hard it is, but I was looking at the pictures here (Danish blog, sorry, just click on the right arrow until something cat run-y is happening) and, well, with some planning I think we can do that. The worst that can really happen is that it looks a bit shabby in the end.
When next we move it will hopefully be to a place that we bought and that has a garden. That's the plan anyway. When that happens I want to build a cat run for our kitties too. I don't let them get out of the house at the moment because we've only got one door and it's straight out on a relatively traffic-y street. Even if it wasn't I would still only let them out in a cat run. Yeah, it costs money, but everything costs money and I rather value the welfare of my kitties, and limiting where they can go is the only way I can protect them from traffic and nutjobs. Besides, I rather like the thought that I would be able to let them outside and know for certain sure that they weren't bothering the neighbours if the neighbours didn't care for cats.
It's a very rural place up here and we've lived her for 9 years without incident. So to have this happen twice in such a short time is almost absurd.
If I'd realised that a cat run had been a thing and an option after Burger, I'd have built one for Modem, no questions asked. In fact, if I'd realised it a few years ago when we had a psycho neighbour (I don't mind a person that doesn't like cats or want them to visit, I do mind a person that's frothing at the mouth and making death threats with no provocation), I'd have done it then. It simply never occurred to me, you know? And it's never come up as an option anywhere I went. It's just so common for cats to run outside, and the only other option people ever think of is to keep them as inside kitties. -_-
It's a good call that you'll build a cat run, though. In Denmark 300 cats are killed by cars each day. 70,000 cats a year. Yeah, just learned that and I was blown away by the numbers.
Where I come from, it seems like people have barely heard of the concept of 'vets'. My father disgusts me with the way he will take in cats and feel he does a good job, even though they aren't marked, chipped, vaccinated or neutralised. It's not that long ago he tried to get me to take a kitten off him but I refused to even look at the poor creatures because 1) I had 2 cats at that time and 2) I refuse to encourage people to be that irresponsible with their pets. Ugh
( ... )
He sounds like such a cutie! I love cats who constantly want cuddles. Dule and Bane are a bit like that - mostly Dule though. He refuses to play though. Even as a kitten he was too lazy to play. It does sound like Freddy is just getting used to everything and will settle down soon and be playful and not scared of the baby.
What I've seen, and I don't know if this is a cat run, but our car-sitter has 7 cats or so. She works at the local shelter, that's why. She's also hear the high road, so she's got high fences, blocked up any holes in them and covered the garden in netting. As its a small garden she hangs it off the house and down to the fence. I can't remember if there's a pole in the middle of the garden to help hold it up, I don't think so. Maybe that coukd work? Neighbours probably think she keeps birds ;).
I do hope he'll settle down and be less nervous. :) Because if he's still that scared of the baby in a month, I may have to consider giving him back rather than stressing him out by keeping him. :/ But there's hope yet! Tonight he made it rather clear that he wanted out of the bathroom and we let him. He then explored our small second floor (the bathroom, Kupo's room, our room and the hall) and attempted a couple of steps of the stairs. Apparently he doesn't know stairs? In any case, Snuffles was asleep in his cot in our room and when Freddy noticed that after coming to me for some very thorough cuddles on my bed, he just kind of attempted to look inside the cot for a little bit. Then he appeared to think that sleeping babies weren't that dangerous and went on his way for more exploration.
Sounds like he'll get used to the baby ;). I think some cats are need time if they aren't used to a baby. Bane eventually got used to babies and then toddlers. Dule is still scared, but he is scared of everything - he has agrophobia, too. When they first got Dule he was so scared he hid under a table abd refused to go to sleep even. Seeing a kitten try to stay awake... Awww, poor kitty. Freddy already sounds way less scared! I think he's not a scared cat ;).
And ah, yeah, if you would have to replace the fences that would be very expensive and not worth it! I guess he knows about gardens as he was a stray? Probably best to make sure it's something he can't escape from as he might try.
The kids are out of the house now (pre-school / nursery) so we let Freddy out again and he's currently all over me to an extent where he's walking on the keyboard to get to my hands and up in my face to... I don't even know. XD He's such a sweet and affectionate kitty (and I do wish that didn't amount this amount of claw). Just a little nervous, which is understandable with his background. I mean, he was listed as 'well-fed' so he didn't starve, but he was obviously left to his own devices.
He was picked up by a Garden Association so I would suppose he knows about gardens, yeah. XD And yeah, I could suspect him of having a strong lust for freedom. I mean, we were recommended to keep him in the bathroom a week and he didn't want to stay there exclusively for more than two days.
Comments 28
Now ever since we run around the house looking for her if she disappears so she never gets any privacy in her opinion. lol
Will the cat run be connected to the back of the house? I think the only way Penny would use one is if she didn't have to step outside at all so like a cat flap thing...but then she'd guard the cat flap.
Cats are so daft sometimes <3 lol
It looks like he has a bit of smirk going on there ;)
I, too, have been wanting to do a cat run. Keep us updated on it. =] If it's not too horrible doing it yourself, I might go for it as well.
I'm not sure how easy or hard it is, but I was looking at the pictures here (Danish blog, sorry, just click on the right arrow until something cat run-y is happening) and, well, with some planning I think we can do that. The worst that can really happen is that it looks a bit shabby in the end.
If I'd realised that a cat run had been a thing and an option after Burger, I'd have built one for Modem, no questions asked. In fact, if I'd realised it a few years ago when we had a psycho neighbour (I don't mind a person that doesn't like cats or want them to visit, I do mind a person that's frothing at the mouth and making death threats with no provocation), I'd have done it then. It simply never occurred to me, you know? And it's never come up as an option anywhere I went. It's just so common for cats to run outside, and the only other option people ever think of is to keep them as inside kitties. -_-
It's a good call that you'll build a cat run, though. In Denmark 300 cats are killed by cars each day. 70,000 cats a year. Yeah, just learned that and I was blown away by the numbers.
What I've seen, and I don't know if this is a cat run, but our car-sitter has 7 cats or so. She works at the local shelter, that's why. She's also hear the high road, so she's got high fences, blocked up any holes in them and covered the garden in netting. As its a small garden she hangs it off the house and down to the fence. I can't remember if there's a pole in the middle of the garden to help hold it up, I don't think so. Maybe that coukd work? Neighbours probably think she keeps birds ;).
And ah, yeah, if you would have to replace the fences that would be very expensive and not worth it! I guess he knows about gardens as he was a stray? Probably best to make sure it's something he can't escape from as he might try.
He was picked up by a Garden Association so I would suppose he knows about gardens, yeah. XD And yeah, I could suspect him of having a strong lust for freedom. I mean, we were recommended to keep him in the bathroom a week and he didn't want to stay there exclusively for more than two days.
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