Title: The Red Dragon
akiko88Word Count: 548
Rating: G
Prompt # 2.Warning: Unbeta’ed.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. No money is being made from this fiction.
Author's Notes: This is written for the
slythindor100 25 days of Draco and Harry challenge.
Harry sighed as he stepped out of the elevator on Monday morning wishing he had listened to his inner voice and stayed in bed. He patted the snow off his coat, and from his hair. It had stopped snowing somewhere during the night, but as bad luck would have it, he had been standing underneath a tree when the snow fell from its branches covering him with said snow.
After he had said hello to the few Aurors that were still on their shift, and grabbed a cup of coffee. He threw his coat and bag onto one of the visitors chair as he walked into his office. Harry sighed again at the never ending pile of paperwork that awaited him.
At exactly eight o’clock the office memos, all brightly coloured and shaped in all kinds of origami creatures, came soaring through the door, landing gently into his inbox. One of them was a bright red dragon, which spitted tiny breathes fire. He opened that one first, since the last time he left one of those for too long it had almost burned his office down. While admittedly that wouldn’t be something he worried about at the moment, it just wasn’t practical.
Head Auror Potter,
It has come to my attention that some of the borrowed materials from the Ministry Archive have yet to be returned. Please, make sure that members of your staff submit their materials as soon as possible.
Also I would like to bring to your attention that you have yet to submit any new materials this last month. As Head Archivist is would highly recommend that you do so.
Head Archivist,
Draco L. Malfoy
P.S. - Potter, when I say as soon as possible I mean now. Get it done immediately! DM
Harry snorted at the memo, this was just like Malfoy. He could give Hermione a run for her money these days for being organized in colour coded madness. Though he had to say that since Malfoy had turned Head Archivist (or rather since he had gotten the job in the archives since he was the only one who worked there), things were running much more smoothly. He made a mental note to speak to the Aurors about it at the next work meeting.
“Hey Harry, crazy weather were having. Didn’t think that it would ever stop snowing!” Ron said as he walked into Harry’s office.
“Sadly it did, maybe I could have been snowed in, and I wouldn’t have to go to work,” Harry replied.
Ron grinned. “Sorry, mate, but you could still Floo to work then. No escaping it, I’m afraid.”
Harry returned the grin. “Shame that.”
“Listen,” Ron said as he sat down in the only free chair, “Are you still coming for Christmas at Mum’s for dinner? She’s been bugging me all weekend about it.”
“Yeah, sure. Can’t wait for the spread your mum cooks every year.”
“Great!” Ron said as he got up his feet.
“Although we might want to skip out of dessert. Mione’s is determined to cook something this year. She has decided that it has to be Plum Pudding,” he winced at the thought. “Can’t see why she couldn’t choose something simpler like trifle or something.”
“It’s Hermione,” Harry shrugged.
“It’s Hermione,” Ron repeated.
Part 1