Title: 4 Times Hikaru Asked Yabu to Blow A Kiss for Him Author: akinoyama Pairing: YabuHika Rating, Genre: PG-13, Romance Summary: Just look at the title A/N: for YabuHika thon
lol Hikaru...why are you desperate to get a blow kiss from you??XDDD
number 1 - EVIL YABU XDD lolol you described him right, Ha-chan XDD
and I must say I like number 3 the best, YamaJimaTaro <333 (how I really miss to see Yama-chan being with them ;A;) YamaTaro are such a teaser and Yuto is so caring as always <333
and finally ne, Hikka, you got what you want in the end <333 mission accomplished XDD
hilarious Ha-chan XDD and refreshing too :3 YabuHika and YamaJimaTaro FTW <3
1. I'm trying to sub the over PV but the subbing programme is bitching me 2. I'm having a hard time deciding between 2 laptops to buy 3. The Ryutarou issue 4. In another 4 days I'll be away from here and I don't like it. =.=;;
Aarrrghhh~ I wanna get those things outta my head for a while.. loll YabuHika seems like a good therapy! xD
Comments 7
number 1 - EVIL YABU XDD lolol you described him right, Ha-chan XDD
and I must say I like number 3 the best, YamaJimaTaro <333 (how I really miss to see Yama-chan being with them ;A;) YamaTaro are such a teaser and Yuto is so caring as always <333
and finally ne, Hikka, you got what you want in the end <333 mission accomplished XDD
hilarious Ha-chan XDD and refreshing too :3 YabuHika and YamaJimaTaro FTW <3
I'm too excited XDDDDD
Yes... YamaJimaTarou.... I think mostly they appeared in my fic.. Yuuto is caring brother...
Hika: Yes! (blushing)
Thank you for reading and commenting...
Untung ad stok ya...xPP
FTW itu apa y??
Btw, idk why but I love this line : ...realizing the very slight loneliness in those dark orbs he always found himself fall for.
Okay I'm stalking fics coz I really need to get some stupid things outta my head right nao~ =.=
Hikaru is indeed cute <3333
Thanks for reading and commenting... :)
Stupid things?? What's happening dear??
2. I'm having a hard time deciding between 2 laptops to buy
3. The Ryutarou issue
4. In another 4 days I'll be away from here and I don't like it. =.=;;
Aarrrghhh~ I wanna get those things outta my head for a while.. loll YabuHika seems like a good therapy! xD
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