Title: Alfred, I am for You
Genres: Romance, Drama, Angst
Ratings/Warnings: K, another failed attempt of angst. Slight FrUk
Summary: Arthur finally realized the mistake he had done. Letting the only chance go.
Notes: To
amdeloag, I hope I fulfilled my promise! Anys, the sequel to '
Arthur, Please Don't Cry'
Unending ryhmes will always be our strength. )
Comments 6
Thank you :)
You did an amazing job describing their situation and feelings. I now understand better what happened here.(revenge wasn't sweet for Arthur, huh?). Your writing is so touching, especially the last parts.<3
You fulfilled your promise, you did. Hehe no tears this time. Thank you, I'm so grateful. :D
Eh well, I actually wrote the sequel once finishing the other.
Anyway, thank you :)
Thank you, by the way ^^
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