so new years was alotta fun. went to angelas and saw peolple i hadn't seen for a while. i hope things get even better in 2005 than last year, although im not sure that's gonna happen, so far things suck ass
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:-/ I'm sorry your day was so bad.. But I have some good news. I finished the chem lab, so we don't have to do anything in class tomorrow, and I'll bring in my updated list of cds for you.
wow matt you really are the nicest guy in the world. i dont know what i'd do w/o you. probably fall apart. i cant wait until chem tomorrow b/c then we can just do nothing and talk, so it'll be fun. xOxOx
finally we had a day off and you didnt! that makes the count liek 1 for us..liek 12 for you. oh well. im sorry your day sucked hunnie! yah poo work. i hafta do a book report..but guess what my book is. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE. hahahah its gonna be so easy for the plot summary, i know it liek the back of my hand. <33
yea you guys are lucky bitches. my mom didnt know the brandywine school district had off so she went to work, and no one was their. haha, what an idiot. well anyway you better get an A on that paper b/c how many times haev you read that book and seen the movie?? too many probably, but, honestly, who could resist?? its such a clasic tale of how guys are lying and manipulative (not pointing anything out b/c it wasnt lying or manipulative). well anyway, i will call you later babycakes.
it started off ok.....some shits goin on that sucks, but other stuff is good, so that makes me happy. nothing super special about this year so far, just that i haev gay ass science fair to finish. but i bet youll make my 2005 awesome. <33
hahahah. i know i was up till midnight doing it last night. and its really weird, im not tired at all. haha way to turn the story of love into one of guys being maniupulative and lying. when the only one who lied, was well wickham, but its ok because everyone found out he lyed and mr darcy made him marry lydia. so tahts enough punishment for a lifetime. and then mr darcy the one time, but overall. not so much. lol. yay calls from christine! i havent talked to you in like 5 days!! how have i lived! <33
UPDATE MISSY!! im hoping taht this will send that email to your email saying that someone commented, and youll be so bugged you update. hey. it was worth a shot. <33
Comments 8
But I have some good news.
I finished the chem lab, so we don't have to do anything in class tomorrow, and I'll bring in my updated list of cds for you.
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