Feb 07, 2011 18:07
If you can't do anything yourself at least try to help the ones who can.
Apr 17, 2010 14:24
A problem becomes a problem when you think it's a problem.
Nov 08, 2009 19:43
"It is not personal, it's business". It's a bullshit invented by the market economy ideologists. In fact it is always personal because it is about real people.
Feb 01, 2009 13:06
Virtime - virtual time.
Virtank - virtual tank.
I was really slow in my virtank and my virtime ran out.
Dec 21, 2008 13:06
If someone gives you a smile it does not necessarily means that they want you to hug them.
Dec 13, 2008 20:55
London does not mean anything to me: I've never been there.
Dec 03, 2008 17:43
Digital society is a society where everyone counts.
Sep 11, 2008 18:39
I read at Hatebook "The enemies of your enemies are your friends". Sounds nice but not necessarily true.
Aug 14, 2008 13:39
Game has lost its sacrality. It used to be (1) ritual and (2) entertaining to its participants and viewers and now being commercialized it became (1) work for participants and (2) entertainment for spectators.