Title: One Goatherd and His One-Goat Herd 03 Fandom: X-Men: First Class Characters/Pairing: Erik/Charles Summary: Erik has one goat. His name is Charles. WIP Notes: Princess Tutu Fusion. Sort of.
Ha, this story is amazing! I love the humor you incorporate into everything so easily, but how it's also very serious and has a plot line that I am definitely interested in continuing to read! Please update soon, this is wonderful!
Haha, good to hear that you're enjoying it! (I'm still torn between being appalled at and being strangely proud of myself for somehow managing to insert plot into a story about Charles being a GOAT.)
Ha, you should definitely feel proud, I though you wrote a very poignant first three chapters lol. :) You've definitely created a very Charles-esque goat shaped whole in my heart lol
So I realise that, because of my amazing delay in responding to comments, I basically just thanked you for your other comment, but thank you again :3 ! I'm still happy you still like it!
This story is so much more than I thought it would be. I thought I was reading a cute story about goat!Charles and Erik but it turned out to be a wonderfully whimsical fairy-tale with dark undertones that always leaves me wishing there was another chapter to read.
Comments 14
(I'm still torn between being appalled at and being strangely proud of myself for somehow managing to insert plot into a story about Charles being a GOAT.)
I'm glad you gave it a go anyway! And did end up liking it!
(The comment has been removed)
That somehow manages to grow in complexity every time I sit down to write more of it.
I don't even know anymore, but I'm enjoying it! And I'm glad you are too. =)b
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