sarah_jones wrote in alainahuffman Aug 09, 2012 00:17
pairing: cam/tamara, tv show: stargate universe, misc: fanfiction
sarah_jones wrote in alainahuffman Jun 13, 2011 04:05
pairing: cam/tamara, tv show: stargate universe, graphics: banner
nicole9514 wrote in alainahuffman Jun 07, 2011 21:24
character: tamara johansen, tv show: stargate universe, graphics: icons
nicole9514 wrote in alainahuffman May 11, 2011 19:09
nicole9514 wrote in alainahuffman Apr 26, 2011 18:30
sarah_jones wrote in alainahuffman Apr 11, 2011 21:08
pairing: cam/tamara, tv show: stargate universe, graphics: manips
krissie678 wrote in alainahuffman Apr 06, 2011 16:44
mercscilla wrote in alainahuffman Feb 12, 2011 19:45
sgu episode: 1x18, character: tamara johansen, sgu: & chloe armstrong, tv show: stargate universe, pictures: screencap of the week
nicole9514 wrote in alainahuffman Jan 08, 2011 12:15
mercscilla wrote in alainahuffman Jan 05, 2011 20:46
sgu: & varro, character: tamara johansen, tv show: stargate universe, sgu episode: 1x20, pictures: screencap of the week