Title: The Sum of Their Parts.
Rating: PG
Pairings: Gwen/Lancelot; Arthur/Gwen.
Spoilers: 204. General Arthurian legend.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Angsty future hints and triangular shenanigans as Gwen feels doom upon her on the ride back from Hengist's.
add a Knight and a handmaiden, throw in a prince, multiply by several near-death experiences, take away understanding and carry over the jealousy. )
Comments 21
Very well done, I like how you got everybody's moods in.
This one is still one of my favorite episode because throughout the entire thing, Arthur and Gwen never spoke to each other (except for the part where Arthur yelled at her to go and grabbed her arm, but that's not really dialogue) yet so much transpired between them.
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