The iminent demise

Apr 19, 2010 21:25

A few weeks back, I got on my soapbox, and ranted. Unlike my normal, I was personally connected. Let me refresh your memory.

And now, let me continue.

Yesterday, a loved one who is involved in the same Organisation could hardly participate at Service, because of how upset and offended he is.
Turns out, the Organisation now has an interview process (given they're semi-professional), and part of it is explaining the Anti-discrimination Policies.
I'll have to paraphrase here, because I get this third hand. The person who had it second hand is my loved one. The person who it was said to has no ulterior motive - he's new to the Organisation, so knows none of the internal politics.
Anyways, here goes.

"So, we must inform you that we are a diverse community. As such, we must abide by the Anti Discrimination Act. For this reason, I must tell you that [insert my loved ones name here] is gay. I must also advise you that if you find any of his behaviour inappropriate, you are obliged to report it to us"

Now, I know the anti discrimination laws in Australia. And that statement, ladies and gentlemen, breaches it on 3 points.
  1. No names should have been given,
  2. No particular minority group should have been mentioned, and
  3. You are not "obliged" to report it.

I don't give a rats arse if you think its offensive. The Reasonable Bystander clause only applies if you think it offensive enough to report it. If you think it doesn't require reporting, a Reasonable Bystander likely wouldn't find it offensive. That's just how our legal system works.

Next on my list is, did the same person also warn the new member that there is *gasp* an African in the Organisation? A few Aussies who *bigger gasp* don't drink, because they're Salvos? An alcoholic? A person with a criminal conviction?
I'm sure you get my drift.

Double standards, much, or just flagrant bigotry?


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