Does anyone know any good and reliable pumbler/handyman/fitter in London? We need to have some 5 radiators, flooring, 5 windows, bathtubs and bathroom tiling done. Any tips will be very much appreciated...
... it was New Model Army's December concert, the closest thing I have to Christmas, and one of the 3 main reasons I decided to move to this country. And it is snowing... a perfect white christmas.
As the missis, lotonero, managed to double book herself, I have a spare ticket for New Model Army tonight, if you (or someone you know) want it then just comment on this message.
p.s. the OS X RDP client is one of the worse pieces of badly engineered software I've ever seen!!! (not as bad as the server part by M$, but that is a detail...)
Hello smokers.... I have for sale boxes of Marlboro Lights (200 cigarretes) for £30.00, can manage a discount for anyone who gets more than one. I also have a couple boxes of Camel Lights and one of Lucky Strike