Writers and writing instructors constantly try to figure out rules for writing. The truth is, there are few rules, and most good writing advice repeats those few worthwhile comments. Recently Ilona Andrews pulled together some basics on her blog
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"I sent the six queries I had planned to send that day. Within 24 hours George had five responses-three manuscript requests and two warm rejections praising his exciting project. For contrast, under my own name, the same letter and pages sent 50 times had netted me a total of two manuscript requests. The responses gave me a little frisson of
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Who is she? Where were the pictures taken? A thrift store purchase has turned into a mystery, and the woman who bought the negatives is asking for help finding the photographer and the beautiful subject. From Atlas Obscura.
My friend artist Douglas Potter found this over at the Times. How many of you have similar ceremonies? I have old address books from the beginning of my career. I used to type on the back of old business cards and paper clip people's info into the book, because my handwriting is large, and people move a lot
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Over on the Word Wenches blog, writer Susan Fraser King--who wrote her dissertation study on the iconography of St. George in medieval art--talks about St. George and those dragons. George is on horses, off horses, has patrons, goes it alone, saves princesses, saves villages--and always, there's a dragon.
"George was one of the few saints, perhaps
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After many years of carefully crafting my panel attendance on this blog, I am simply putting up the link to the programming by names. There is also a programming grid. Life, Interrupted has seen the mountaintop.
Yes, there will be some books in the dealer's room, if Adventures in Crime & Space wants to sell them. I will be there at least Friday
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False alarm, I am glad to say. The suggestions from the Copyright Office are not as extreme as we all feared. That doesn't make them great, but it's not hysteria time. Just time to read and understand the proposals.
Can you say "copyright law changes are trigger-y?" Of course you can--and they are. Here for more.