some random colorbar and icons...

Jun 10, 2006 11:35

When fandom ensues, what do you get?

A whole lot of time to waste. tihihi

I've been lurking in the community for some time now, and rarely made a post. So here's a natsumeXruka colorbar and some random icons. ^^ Hope you enjoy!


Natsume X Ruka: Unbreakable Bond">" border=0>
Natsume X Ruka: Unbreakable Bond

Go go natsuXruka! XD Sorry, I was once a natsuXmikan, its just that the dubbing got to me. (not to mention die hard slash friends of mine) I still like that pairing though, and I could make them a colorbar... someday... hmm...

Here's some crappy icons to boost. My first try. Got this done by tinkering with Photoshop.




This is for kyoy and psychedelic_aya! Wohoo! The slash shall live on through strawberries, the fruits of evil! mwahahahahaha

This is to hoping that at least you felt the love. Whatever kind that may be. XD please credit if used. ^^
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