Icons (especially for those conversations where you need a snarky icon to help demolish your opponents with your cutting wit. Also useful on fandom_wank) (129):
*bows* Thanks! Actually, it was the only good picture of a K-S meld I could find. Know of any other episodes that sport a nice, well-lit mind meld and Kirk wearing something other than an Indian get-up?
Thumos is . . . 'spirited part' or 'spirit', but not in a Christian sense. If you have Bloom's translation of the Republic, thumos what he translates as 'the spirited part [of the soul]'.
Aneres esti, philoi: I'd have to look up the line, but it's Patroklus after putting on the armour. 'Be men, friends/comrades'.
And your icon completely makes my day. It is, as they say on these internets, made of win.
'Murmidones, hetaroi Pêlêiadeô Axhilêos, aneres este, philoi, mnêsasthe de thouridos alkês, hôs an Pêlêïdên timêsomen, hos meg' aristos Argeiôn para nêusi kai agchemachoi therapones, ynô[i] de kai Atreïdês euru kreiôn Agamemnôn hên atên, ho t' ariston Achaiôn ouden etisen.'
(Very) roughly, rather than literally, because I am both lazy and very out-of-practice:
'But Patroklus called to his comrades with a loud shout: "Myrmidons, comrades of Achilles, son of Peleus, be men, [my] friends, taking thought of furious valour, in order that for the son of Peleus we may win honour, [for Peleus' son] who is the best of the Achaians by the ships and [for] his battle-attendants, so letting the son of Atreus, widely powerful [far-ruling] Agamemnon, know his blindness, in that he honoured the best of Achaians not at all."'
Comments 32
*and my sides hurt*
I don't understand your user name. Are you Borg?
Oh, and I got the Latin fine, but my Greek is...lacking. What do the two with Greek characters say? *is ashamed*
Aneres esti, philoi: I'd have to look up the line, but it's Patroklus after putting on the armour. 'Be men, friends/comrades'.
And your icon completely makes my day. It is, as they say on these internets, made of win.
Patroklos d' etaroisin ekekleto makron ausas:
'Murmidones, hetaroi Pêlêiadeô Axhilêos,
aneres este, philoi, mnêsasthe de thouridos alkês,
hôs an Pêlêïdên timêsomen, hos meg' aristos
Argeiôn para nêusi kai agchemachoi therapones,
ynô[i] de kai Atreïdês euru kreiôn Agamemnôn
hên atên, ho t' ariston Achaiôn ouden etisen.'
(Very) roughly, rather than literally, because I am both lazy and very out-of-practice:
'But Patroklus called to his comrades with a loud shout:
"Myrmidons, comrades of Achilles, son of Peleus,
be men, [my] friends, taking thought of furious valour,
in order that for the son of Peleus we may win honour, [for Peleus' son] who is the best
of the Achaians by the ships and [for] his battle-attendants,
so letting the son of Atreus, widely powerful [far-ruling] Agamemnon, know
his blindness, in that he honoured the best of Achaians not at all."'
The cap is very fitting.
And speaking of the classics, the Trek art icons are by mrs_spock, who went on a recent spree, much to the joy of Trekkers on LJ.
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