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Describe yourself, as best you can, in a few sentences: ugh, I'm terrible at describing myself and it's difficult to capture a person in words. anyway... my friends say I am fun, easy to talk to, "nice most of the time but also mean", "a mixture of things that usually don't go together", and "a squirrel". well I don't know about that last one but I think I can agree with the rest.
Positives: nice, funny, smart, open-minded, interesting, friendly, easygoing, determined, observant, creative, enduring, spontaneous, complex
Negatives: irritable, lazy, sometimes mean, emotional, frustrated, paranoid, worrisome, slightly insecure, overconfident, apathetic, stubborn, sarcastic, silly
Are you happy right now? maybe? I'm trying to be.
What do you want most in the world? to be happy, to live life to it's fullest, to travel the world, doing lots of crazy things, not having to worry or feel like I have a lot of obligations.
What are you passionate about? I can't think of anything I'm really passionate about besides what I want most, mentioned above. my interests change a lot!
[/] Optimistic
[?] Happy
[ ] Vain
[x] Curious
[x] Temperamental
[x] Kind
[ ] Cold
[/] Distant
[?] Daydreamer [I think I am, but there are different kinds of daydreaming so I really can't say. it depends on what you think daydreaming is.]
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: I can be optimistic, pessimistic, realistic, and/or idealistic. I don't know. I think I'm leaning slightly on the pessimistic/idealistic side, if that makes sense.
Calm or Temperamental: I can be a lot of both
Leap without looking or look before you leap: both again
Head-strong or a pushover: head-strong
Everything else:
Favourite season: summer
Favourite time of the day: early afternoon or after midnight in the wee hours of the morning. it's when I'm most active.
Favourite color: light blue
Have you read Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland? yes
Have you seen/played/read one of the different adaptions? yes, a bunch of them.
If so, what did you think of them/it? Which was your favourite? for me, the trippy and weird aspect of AiW is the best part. I love the book and the Disney version!