It wasn't long actually, I think I only started to be really annoyed a week or two ago. Any longer I'll be a ball of angry rage waiting for him to poke and burst. XDDD
Urgh, I hate people like that. It's fine to bitch/moan/complain about something every once in awhile, but every day? No thanks. My bf has a friend like that and I told him to grow a pair and shut up. I haven't heard him complaining lately, lol.
That guy just complained about much cholesterol he will be eating in an egg, so I impatiently tell him what exactly he has in his meal. I think I'm gonna keep doing that till he's sick and tired of it. kufufufufufu.
i'm a constant victim of naggers and whiners XD i have high tolerance to whiners (I DON'T WHY THOUGH. SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH MY EARS) but what pisses me off sometimes is that those people who harass me with their constant OH WOE IS MEEE - they don't listen to ME when it's MY turn. jeez. *shakes head*
I seriously don't know how you manage to get all the annoying people in the world to work with. When will people ever learn that no, they aren't entitled to jack in the world and that everyone has to go through hardships cause hey, guess what? That's a part of life. Grow a pair already.
I think I'm just a bigger bitch with annoying self-absorbent pricks? You know what he did today codie? He actually would rather consume tons of salt then an egg. What idiot chooses protein and vitamins over sodium chloride? I helpfully told him that there's a reason why salt is so up there in the food pyramid and it destroys your body's fluid balance and regulation and guess what? He said "I care more for my body fat than my body's fluid balance", which I answered "please slowly wait for your death". There's a reason I can tell you why salt could be more harmful than cholesterol so FUCKING LISTEN and don't act smart. Stupid penisless asshole.
Comments 24
amazing how you can put up with him all this long (O_O)
That guy just complained about much cholesterol he will be eating in an egg, so I impatiently tell him what exactly he has in his meal. I think I'm gonna keep doing that till he's sick and tired of it. kufufufufufu.
i'm a constant victim of naggers and whiners XD i have high tolerance to whiners (I DON'T WHY THOUGH. SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH MY EARS) but what pisses me off sometimes is that those people who harass me with their constant OH WOE IS MEEE - they don't listen to ME when it's MY turn. jeez. *shakes head*
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