Please read the
Rules and
FAQ pages before applying. Also be sure to check the
Taken Characters page and the
Reservations page to see if a character you're thinking about applying for is taken or temporarily "claimed." Like the game but not sure who you want to apply with? Check the
Wanted Characters page to see who we'd like to see here!
You can apply for a maximum of eight (8) characters.
We accept OCs (Original Characters)! DO NOT post your application for an OC on this page. Please be aware that there are separate requirements in regards to applying for an OC, which can be found directly on the
OC Application page.
Reserve Challenges are open. Please see our
Reservations page for the Reserve Challenge rules.
Your application must be submitted by 11:59pm EST on Saturday to be reviewed in the current week's cycle of applications. Applications submitted after 11:59pm will be reviewed in the following week's cycle. Depending on the amount of applications received during the week, responses may not happen until Sunday.
Please be patient.
There are a few requirements we ask of when writing and submitting your application. You will be asked for a revision if these requirements are not met. Please comment directly to a revision request.
However, if your application is rejected, your application will be screened and you will be provided with a reason. You are still welcome to apply with another character. You can discuss the reasoning by
contacting a moderator.
• PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING TEMPLATE WHEN SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION. You may post your application on this page or you may link us to a finished application.
Player InformationName:Personal LJ:
Time zone:
Other Characters:
Are you importing them from another game?
How did you find out about Aliunde?
Character Information
Timeline Summary:
Powers, Skills, and Abilities:
First Person:
Third Person:
• REQUIRED INFORMATION. We ask for at least one (1) link for a character's background, but you may also write one out if there is no information available for the character online, or you feel that the information online isn't adequate. The only required word count we ask for is the Third Person Sample-- it must have at least 250 words. Just because this is the case, please, please do not skimp on your Personality and Background (if you choose to write it) sections. Do not think that two or three sentences is adequate enough for a written background or personality. Three or four (or more) good-sized paragraphs are much more acceptable.
• SAMPLES. You can link us to an entry, thread, or action spam from another game for your First Person Sample. You may also link us to a log from another game for your Third Person sample (as long as it's Third Person prose, and at least 250 words).
• KEEP IT ORGANIZED. We realize that one application can take a few posts. To keep things organized, we ask that when posting your application that you reply to your original comment in successive parts. If asked for a revision, please reply to the comment asking for the revision. We don't want your application to get lost in the shuffle. You may also provide us with a link to an application.
• RE-APPLICATION GUIDELINES. You may post with your original application, but we would also like you to write new Roleplay Samples. In addition, if you were dropped from the game due to not making the Activity Check, you must wait until after the next Activity Check to reapply for that character.
• Importing Characters. We do allow import of characters from other games. However, we require the background of the game and what said character did in the game. This does mean you will need to put more thought into the application. We have the right to deny any character with memories from other games if it isn't sufficient enough information.
• DUE TO RECENT EVENTS, we feel that the following needs to be said-- PLAGIARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. We know, it's pretty much an unwritten rule (especially in academic life), but it happened, and we're going to have to spell it out for everyone now. Plagiarism is defined as, "the wrongful appropriation, close imitation, or purloining and publication, of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions, and the representation of them as one's own original work." In other words, the application you submit must be your own work, and not anyone else's. Taking another person's application and changing around a few words to make it seem like your own work is blatantly stealing. If we find that this is the case with your application, it will be rejected, no questions asked.
Player Information
Name: [Your name.]
Personal LJ: [Your personal journal, if you have one.]
E-mail: [This is the one required form of contact.]
AIM/Plurk/etc.: [Optional. Again, this is just for contact purposes.]
Time zone: [This is to help with any timing issues.]
Are you importing your character from another game?: [If yes, we need to know what game, and your background and personality need to be significantly more detailed with these aspects in them.]
Other Characters: [Please list any other characters (if any) you play in the game.]
How did you find out about Aliunde? [Mostly for new players to the game-- we want to know how you found out about Aliunde_rpg!]
Character Information
Name: [Your character’s name.]
Fandom: [The canon your character comes from.]
Timeline Summary: [Where in canon was your character taken from? What was happening to them?]
Background: [Please provide us with at least one (1) link concerning your character's background. They can be from Wikipedia, fan sites, etc. You can always write your own background if you feel a link isn't adequate, and there is no word count requirement if you choose to do so.]
Personality: [In your own words, describe their personality, any quirks they have, likes and dislikes, how they get along with others, etc. Please be as descriptive as possible.]
Powers, Skills, Abilities, and Weaponry: [In this section, describe any powers, skills, abilities, and weaponry they might have or possess. Remember, powers and weapons will be returned to your characters after two months-- one power or weapon every month thereafter, until they have received everything back. We ask you to be really detailed with this. In this, we ask you to list any weapons, specialized abilities (like telepathy or super-strength), and any magical spells in their own category. For more information how how they'll gain everything back, please read the FAQ]
Writing Samples
First Person: [A first person writing sample of your character, as if they were communicating via the device they receive. Please specify if it's a voice or text post.]
Third Person: [A third person writing sample of your character. This can be anything. It could be their arrival to Aliunde, or it could be something from their canon. We do ask that this section be at least 250 words.]
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