Hiatus / Drop

Jan 22, 2010 19:56


Sometimes, life gets in the way of RPing and we have to take a break. Just fill out this form to let us know! By posting here with your hiatus, we'll know whether or not to count your character(s) for activity during our next Activity Check.

** Note that if you do not post here with your hiatus, your character(s) will still be responsible for activity during the next Activity Check.

Name: (your name)
Characters Affected: (your characters and their journals)
Reason: (you don't have to go into detail, just give us a basic idea)
Length of Hiatus: (try to give us specific dates, so we know what period of time to exclude you from for the next Activity Check)
Do you want your character(s) to disappear? (Not permenantly, but if you choose this option, your character(s) will disappear from the city, temporarily, and when they come back, they will remember hazy lights, and a single sentence the moderators will send to you privately. This makes it easier for people who will be gone for a long period of time.)

We completely understand if our game or a character isn't working out for you. We'll be sorry to see you go. Please fill out this form if you wish to drop a character(s).

Name: (your name)
Character(s): (your characters)


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