So, I've been sitting here at the computer for roughly two hours and I've killed two flies, been attacked in the face by one, and am now being menaced by two more. I don't get it. And ewwwww at that
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Yeah, the med sucks, but the physician's assistant who wants me to take it says that like 95% of all people with RA are on it must work. Hopefully my college years didn't totally wipe out my liver functions. lol
Man, fuck that "95% of all people with RA are on it so it must work" bull shit. This is some serious shit; you need to do some serious research on what meds are out there and available to you - don't ever listen to some stupid fucking physician assistant and take their word as anything more than hearsay.
People are stupid. People who listen to stupid people are even stupider. Don't be a moron - I'm dumb enough for all of us, I assure you.
I'm so sorry Laura, I am glad though that they were able to find specifically what was bothering you. Advances are being made in medication and treatment all the time, so who knows what the future will bring to make this easier to live with. Take care.
ummm... yeah, it does suck but I'm glad that the meds are making you feel better. And cheers to both of us being gimpy soon. Oh the impending future... lol
Hey - this is gaurav
July 5 2008, 04:47:20 UTC
i saw ur post and i had to share....just be careful on the "low dose generics." Most of those are pretty terrible drugs. You might wanna get a second opinion from another rheumatologist. And, I would contact the expensive drug companies personally. A lot of them have cheaper or cost saving plans etc. I personally have seen the severe complications of the generic drugs. So just do your own research before taking these drugs and make sure from other rheumatologists that you don't have other options. Surprisingly the article on Wikipedia for rheumatoid arthritis is a good place to start for general info.
Comments 7
Now that it looks like I won't accomplish my rock star death at 27 I'm shooting for the heart attack by 35. *shrug*
There is all sorts of meds out there, don't let them stick them on whatever that crap is you mentioned, geesh... ><
Ugh... definitely the suck.
People are stupid. People who listen to stupid people are even stupider. Don't be a moron - I'm dumb enough for all of us, I assure you.
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