so...edc.. imma go all cyber kid angel automatik.. i got these 2 giant squirt guns.. and i found my fuckin homie! the alien dude i lost at last years 5 dolla.. i found him at my homies awesome haha hes comin with me.. but yea..drunk and waaaay stoned times at edc... can't wait. gonna try an get my outfit together.. rave
bleh... what do i do... he has naked pics of his ex on his computer... and is always talking about other girls' ass's and boobs... makes me feel like he wants me to look like them...:( bleh...
sittin here.. things are betetr ..i guess u can say.. hes gettin over it...slowly... so yeh. good good good.. sittin here listening to the new records he got today... i think imma get him this flight case he wants... its camo.. about 150... not too bad.. but yeh.. blah.. im drained