Apr 07, 2006 00:23
Michelle dragged me up onto the stage, and I auditoned.
Sarah just talked with me and said I was very natural up there adn I will be playing Johnathon Putnum in 'The crucible.'
Apr 01, 2006 10:27
MADE, into a protest banjo playing singer. haha
Mar 27, 2006 22:31
My sneakers came in the mail today.....except they were size 9 instead of 12.
Mar 19, 2006 23:30
i just got done typing up all the places to eat, museums, and points of interest and their proper info on Berlin; tomorrow i'm gonna calculate overall price....
Mar 19, 2006 19:54
warm skin smooth
light cotton
undulating zipper plastic
revealing plaid
above chest ethnic
tanned companion
climactic conversation passion
palpatating heart
connection, reflection
so weak
respiration, desperation
so lost
Mar 19, 2006 19:45
sharp, quick abrassive
moans of the floor
pierce my skull
like countless hypodermic needles
the coughing clots my brain
and bashes its way through my head
with a sledghammer
Mar 18, 2006 17:09
so, i deleted my myspace account, in case any-one cares (which-you shouldn't, at least not to much). The new url is in my lj profile, but to save you the trouble, in case you're one of the afformentioned, the new url is