Time is going by so fast! I need to go on some kind of adventure! I need to do something and not care about the consequences! I need to get off of the computer to make this happen!
I've decided that livejournal is just made so people can tease their friends with little tidbits of their life. But they never put enough information for it to be satisfying. So, in the end, it just gives you more questions than answers.
I feel like a mountain was put on my shoulders. I am now faced with the dilemma of putting my all on the line. What if that's not good enough? What if, despite the fact that I want it more than anyone, I still will get rejected? I'm not sure how I would possibly be able to handle that if it were to happen. I just want to be able to breathe again.
i fucked up and said a lot of things that came out wrong. but is it wrong to want to share these experiences with the person who matters most? is it bad that i'm actually depressed to know that my silly dream of the perfect day with you will never happen?