I met a man named Gabriel today. He's from Sudan. When asked how old he was, he said, "I don't really know, I'm guessing around 25." He moved here about 8 years ago, and now he's going with us to Uganda. I don't know, but something about meeting someone from Sudan kind of affects you. I'm at a loss. I can't wait.
it's almost a very HARSH reality to realize that the person that you so desire to be just might never be you. sometimes you have to take a step back and say to yourself, " no matter how hard i try, i'm always going to be like this."
life. friends, that i would list by name but i'm not going to bc there are so many i'm grateful for. :) college. cold weather. forgiveness. my nephews. simplicity. virtually no work my senior year. haha senior year itself. heaters.
God is good & he has always been nothing but that to me this week..not bad not great.. trying. and God has been laying some things out tonight i got some stuff straight this job thing? dn whats gonna happen. when i surrender and give up anything to him he does something great with it like i read the other day.. "..when i am faithLESS you are faithFUL.."<3