6th [Audio/Commentlog]

Sep 14, 2011 09:26

[It's early Wednesday before Alex has the recollection to post onto his journal. In truth, it was rather one of the last things on his mind currently, but he had a need to assure those that might be concerned that he was alright.

For a change, his post is not video .. this might not be a terribly big deal to anyone that doesn't know the were too well, but those that know him know that he always posts with video feed.

Curious, yes?

He sounds fine, although those that catch it might note that he sounds a bit tired. Maybe that's just from the full moon, though..]

So, it seems I missed an important bit of news, huh? [Have a dry laugh, Keep.] Monday was the full moon .. wasn't expecting to wake up and find I'd been locked outta the house.

[His tone is almost jovial.]

Hey, mom? Dad? Think you can toss out a spare pair of pants? Maybe a house key?

[Hallucination or sarcasm? A chuckle and then he continues, the bemusement fading a bit from his voice.]

Bryn .. haven't heard from you .. you okay, hun? You either, Nepeta .. Chloe .. Derek? Anders, you inside the barracks?


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