amyhit suggested "Five Times Scully Scares Mulder." I started writing the fic, but this was the only segment of it that came out how I wanted. It's a touch longer than a drabble. Both the title of the story and the mantra of Scully's roommate come from T.S. Eliot's Ash Wednesday. Thanks to
scarletbaldy for looking this over on vacation.
He's learning to navigate the jagged rocks of her coastline. )
Comments 57
Beautiful little fic. I've wandered away from xf fanfic for a while, this was a nice one to bring me back into the fold. ;)
Thank you!
I hope it helps too...
"When we get back to DC," she says slowly, "none of this ever happened."
Isn't this the truth? XF was the first show I watched when the internet came around and I was able to discuss it with others.
Events would happen and then were rarely (if ever) mentioned again. It never felt right to me, but I also got used to it. Then the show ended and I got into other shows like Battlestar Galactica and Babylon 5. Events would happen and characters and situations were affected for years, and sometimes permanently.
So now that I've been doing a rewatch of the entire series in order, this strange habit of XF sticks out to me even more.
This was so sad and dark and painful. Thank you for getting inside her head and soul. (At least, as much as she'll let us.)
As silly as it sounds, I sort of felt that way about writing it, but there just wasn't any more of the story to tell.
Events would happen and then were rarely (if ever) mentioned again. It never felt right to me, but I also got used to it.
Me too. I wrote a Facebook-style thing making fun of PMP and I wrote something like "Aloysia Virgata joined the group Cognitive Dissonance Allows Me To Be A Fan Of The X-Files." Really, if it weren't for David and Gillian the show would have tanked. Because...WTF?
Thank you so much for your feedback.
Oh, I hope that did not come out in a negative way - the abrupt ending is perfectly fitting for the story!
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