oK i woulD like 2 staRt this off with SoLiEL hiDe!!
DoNT come 2 St.B ... only 5 weekS lEfT
in sChooL aNd i HaVe 4 SaT. SchooLs(twO fRoM
sAyinG iLL KnOck u ThE fUk OuT 2 SuM cHiK pLaYiNg
aroUnd) all fRom todAy anD mOndAy im SuSpEnDeD
BcUz i hAd mY fONE??? HoW FuKinG gAy iS thaT??
iTs fUKING B/S!!!!!!!!! w.e CrAzy WeeK sOooO
mUchH shiT iN oNe
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