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  • Weekly Weigh-In & Exercise Log

    alyska Aug 22, 2011 13:20

    Weekly Summary for Week of Mon, August 15th:

  • 1,934 calories under budget for the week
  • 1 pound lost for the week

    Nutrient Summary:
  • Fat: 46.3%
  • Carbohydrates: 30.9%
  • Protein: 22.8%

    Exercise Summary:
    Walking: 1 Hour: 123 calories
    Total: 123 calories

    Current Weight: 172 lbs.
    Intermediate Goal: 165 lbs. by October 10th.

    This entry was ( Read more... )
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  • Book meme

    alyska Jun 20, 2011 13:08

    I've done this one before, but it's always fun to look over them again....

    Partially read ones are italicized, fully read ones are bold.

    Partially read ones are italicized, fully read ones are bold. )
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  • For Fibromyalgia Awareness Day.

    alyska May 12, 2011 15:16

    "Having fibro/other invisible or otherwise unverifiable illnesses (including mental illness, with which I also have daily fun in several forms) means, for many of us, daily self-doubt and guilt on top of the judging and unhelpful assumptions made about us by other people - friends, family, doctors, random strangers. (We won't even get into the ( Read more... )
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  • Zoo-tripping.

    alyska Apr 03, 2011 23:59

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  • A Quick Update..

    alyska Jan 25, 2011 13:58

    The apocalyptikitty is doing well. He was at the vet today to vet his sutures removed, though when I woke up this morning, after a week of leaving his tail alone, he'd neatly chewed out all five ( Read more... )
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  • State of the kittenhead.

    alyska Jan 11, 2011 16:15

    I've been lurking here quietly for quite some time, I know, and have not had the time or energy to engage socially nearly as much as I would like. Life remains difficult on multiple fronts, and while I'm dealing as best I know how, blood and turnips and I are starting to become entirely too familiar ( Read more... )
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