The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
hobbes1969 steal the cookie from the cookie jar?Yes, and I wish she'd quit stealing all the cookies.Did
mrsg leave the stove on again?No, but I bet one of her kids turned it on. I know Mr. Wee likes to cook. Is
crazyarjay an innie or an outie?I don't know, and I doubt I'll ever find out. Do you envy
spoondave's job?He gets to spend time with his child. Of course I envy his job. Even the less fun parts of his job.It's all
raisa's fault, isn't it?No, it's all my fault. What is
tjekanefir allergic to?E-mails from stupid people.What is
bafleyanne's religion?I don't really know. What does
spritelyone spend the most time doing?Quartzing at work? What animal does
drwadd most remind you of?A Bulldog!! :)
quartzpoet: pansy, or wuss?
quartzpoet is about as far from either of those words as it's possible to get.
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
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