Okay I'm going do a
do a total rip-off and start putting together a quote list.
So this is a warning. If you say something ubelievably hilarious/witty/stupid, I might just post it. XD
Now get cracking with that quotable stuff!
*Amakun won't post anything without the person's consent of course.
opiumdreams: its like when girls in an office all get their periods at the same time, we are all writing about the same moon child stuff.
Amamuffin.:[my sister's] cat's name is oscar XD
Shu: awww
Shu: mayer?
Amamuffin.: LOL XD
Amamuffin.: noo just oscar
Shu: good
Shu: balognya
Amamuffin.: hahahaha XD
Amamuffin.: balognya XD
punk_mary: yeah...his acting makes me vomit a little~ ♥
aoi_shu: so what would you like to have as a sticker?
Amamuffin.: hmn
Amamuffin.: make me lil shus!!
Amamuffin.: XD;
Shu: need a man for that
Me: I can't read this book by Tolstoy. Tolstoy is so long-winded! He wrote War and Peace for goodness sakes!
dragontrap: Yeah but it's the same length as the Harry Potter books.
Me: .....War and Peace is not the same as Harry Potter, DT!!
dragontrap:"they also end up sharing other things that may fall into a category of ill will without actually meaning to do others harm by the spreading of bacteria and germans."
[after I signed into msn]
Shu: I see a muffin on a menu
Shu: hahahhaha
normallife: I'm not a 6-year-old, buttface!
amakarie: Sorry, I just get really freaked out when I see photomanipulations of faces and stuff like that. I don't know why but it really scares me.
dragontrap Sounds like you need to FACE your fears.
Amakarie: I'll be okay
nutmeg: better be
Amakarie: or...?
nutmeg: If you die, I WILL kill you