For those of you who didn't get the priveledege to know my Nanny, one of her pet peeves was people knowing how old she was. In fact at her 80th b-day party, she scraped off the 80 on her
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So I JUST found out, that they gave my Nanny her Last Rights on Sunday. For those of you who don't know, it's what Catholic priests do on your death bed to absolve you of all your sins so you can get into heaven
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You are Deanna Troi Deanna Troi 75% Chekov 70% Beverly Crusher 60% Geordi LaForge 60% Mr. Scott 55% An Expendable Character (Redshirt) 55% James T. Kirk (Captain) 45% Uhura 45% Jean-Luc Picard 40% Worf 35% Mr. Sulu 30% Data 27% Leonard McCoy (Bones) 25% Will Riker 15% Spock 12%
You are a caring and loving individual. You understand
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