I feel personally insulted by
this Associated Press article.
On what grounds exactly is Moshe Feiglin labeled a "radical West Bank settler" in the face of sane and rational Bibi Netanyahu??? Why is his platform misrepresented so horribly?
One reason is probably that
Feiglin's website is vague. But it certainly stands for greater things than the AP
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Comments 11
Eventually things will work out- the junta running Israel represent a minority too small and corrupt to last in power forever. But what damage will they do in the mean time?
Yes, it's a problem that we need to think about that each time the elections come around.
Sad but true
On the personal side, I was stabbed during the Bibi years. We saw how he reacted. Zero.
And the public will never "see Feiglin is needed" I don't think, simply because there is no freedom of press in Israel and nobody can get voted in if the media demonizes them. Feiglin can't ever win I don't think without freedom of press.
Hashem yerachem! I've said it before but it bears repeating - we need Moshiach and we need him now. This secular government in Israel is no doubt worse than going back to being under British or Muslim rule, C"V.
It almost makes me want to rethink making aliyah. Almost. Chodesh tov.
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