Man, did I have a headache this afternoon. Weirdly, whenever I get headaches lately (not often), I get nausea along with it. So that was unpleasant. Two generic Aleves and an entire pot of iced tea seemed to clear it up, though, so now I'm going to sit down for a Blade marathon and hope nobody calls tonight inviting me to prove I'm 1/8th Irish
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Yesterday I did mad cleaning, today I'm going to the family picnic, I wish I had a faster CD burner, it's snowing, my joke anime script is actually coming together, I'm totally caught up on Red vs Blue, those compressed-gas computer cleaners scare the crap out of me, Eerie Indiana was a pretty dorky show, and if you have 45 minutes to waste you
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If you have an Internet connection worth anything, go here and watch the pilot of a cartoon called The Amazing Screw-On Head; not because Tycho told you to, and not because I told you to, but because there is an elderly female werewolf in the first thirty seconds.