[Tagged by
sesari, damn his scaly hide]
Explain your LiveJournal name, its meaning, and mention an alternative username you would have used. When you're done, tag as many people as there are letters in your name. No way am I doing that.
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Comments 5
7? I thought it opened sooner than that...tho it does stay open til 4am doesn't it?
Aw, poor illusionz...I still have my money card in my walet from '04...I wonder if it still has money on it...do they still have free Karaoke?
I thought it opened sooner too. *sighs* Yeah, it's open late, but the person Ave and I wanted to take couldn't go in the evening.
Yup! Illusionz still has free karaoke.
Good times Japan. Yeah I'll call it that!
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