
i'd play a sad song on the harmonica if i could still breathe

Apr 21, 2024 11:03

I am sick. I have only been sick this bad twice since COVID times. The first was when i was traveling in Guangdong and Hunan in January 2020, when there had been a few whisperings about the "new SARS" online, but still a few weeks before people started getting really worried about it. It was the worst flu-type sickness i remember having as an adult ( Read more... )

raving, sick

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Comments 7

newwaytowrite April 21 2024, 05:19:18 UTC

get well soon


anais_pf April 21 2024, 07:00:11 UTC
Sending sympathy.


livejournal April 21 2024, 07:28:28 UTC
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dadi April 21 2024, 08:22:50 UTC
Feel better soon! *hugs*


siglinde99 April 21 2024, 12:37:32 UTC

So sorry about the sickness. If you ever decide you absolutely must have Old Navy XL tall anything, let me know.Old Navy ships to my house and I could forward it on.


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