Erin accidentally did not close the door when she left for school Wednesday. I will probably have an 800.00 gas bill this month. I am so excited about Sharon's wedding. We are going to look at patterns for bridedsmaids dresses tomorrow. That will be cool. My mom can sew anything. I have been talking to someone from eharmony. His name is Eric
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Fly Lady's theme for next year is "Less is more in 2004". I had such a great Christmas. I got two gifts that I have wanted for quite some time, but never thought I would get. The kids got so much. We are really blessed
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Loss of limbs couldn't stop you, neither could rehab. You peaked with Hysteria and Adrenalize, and even now, with primarily the original band you are releasing records that are selling.
I could have given you all of my heart, but there's someone who's torn it apart and he's taken just all that I have, but if you want I'll try to love again Baby, I'll try to love again, but I know
The first cut is the deepest baby I know the first cut is the deepest when it comes to being lucky he's cursed when it comes to lovin me he's worst