Watching my DVD of Tora Tora Tora this afternoon. It has the full intermission from the theatrical version including the score. I have found only a few niggly bits with the model work (i.e. Nevada has 2 too many 14" guns) but it is so superior to what is being done recently there is no comparison.
Today I mourn the passing of the man who set me along the path of my current vocation. Ave atque vale Dr. Gilbert Y. Tavener. You were a true Priest and a scholar.
I have to take Malik to the vet in the morning. He has some form of infection on his right front paw. It does not hurt him to walk but it is clearly bothering him.
I guess he will be staying with Uncle Richard for a bit.
500 million american jobs lost every month if the stimulus plan does not pass? This out of a national population of just over 300 million
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