1 hour fic challenge

Apr 27, 2008 15:38

posting a bit early, because i've got to run off to church. or the bus can not come, and i'll come back.
jackoweskla's | nihongofrancais's | pinkpapyrus's | jemz's | procreational's

Jin checked his coat and his blue umbrella when he got in the club. He was late because of the rain, and after a couple of rounds of fruitless texting trying to find his friends, he gave up and decided to enjoy the beat without them. That's when he saw her. Her top barely counted, and she moved like she owned the dance floor.

Jin never found his friends that night, but he went home with the girl and he thought that was a fair trade. He didn't remember her name, but he'd never forget her hips.

He didn't expect to run into her again. She was foreign, tall and curly hair and green eyes. Her Japanese was non-existant, but he'd gotten 'vacation' out of her in English before she started grinding on him for real. Jin pulled her closer and rolled with the beat, and when he slipped a leg between hers three songs later, she rode it hard and slow, deliberate, sexy.

Her hotel was walking distance from the club, closer than the trainstop. Jin was happy they made it that far. If they'd had to take the train to his, they probably would have ended up having sex on the train and that's a good way to end a career.

The elevator ride was torture, full of little old ladies there for some kind of association meeting. Jin kept his sunglasses on and his face down, willing the car to move faster.

She pinned him to the wall in the hallway halfway to her room, cupping him through his pants and leaning up that last centimeter to push her tongue into his mouth. Jin always forgot how aggressive foreign girls were; he didn't really mind that much.

Jin flipped them around against the wall, and she rolled her hips into his, hand still holding him through his pants. They knocked one of the bland buy-by-the-dozen abstract paintings off the wall in the processes. She untangled a hand from his hair then to grab his wrist and pull him the rest of the way to her room before they got in trouble for the painting.

yes. i still ended it at an awful place. emchan, don't read mine, but you can definitely read procreational's, nihongofrancais's, and pinkpapyrus's. Um. stay away from the other two.

1 hour fic, other people's awesome, read at your own risk, i can't believe i wrote this, porn is my new new hobby, ficcage, socializing ftw, unproductive is my tokugi

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