1 Hr Fic Challenge

Apr 27, 2008 12:43

I'm totally sick and so thus, could not concentrate long enough to write anything decent. :/

Pairing: PIN
Word Count:602
Author's Notes: For the One Hour Fic/Porn Challenge. I fail. XD

anamuan | jackoweskla | nihongofrancais | pinkpapyrus | pearljemz | procreational

It wasn't really that Yamapi thought it was a good idea for KAT-TUN's new album to be called "Queen of Pirates". He thought it was fitting since Jin's group did an entire concert was on pirate ship and they had those fun purple outfits and Jin's huge floppy hat. Or that all their jewelry had skulls and crossbones. Nevermind the fact that the skulls are totally in fashion.

It was the "Queen" he thought was funny.

The "Queen" would work for any of Jin's bandmembers. But Yamapi especially thought Jin would make a fetching Queen. Yamapi never told Jin about his secret fantasies of Jin wearing that nurse's outfit from Shounen Club and the blonde wig but sometimes, he would like to watch that one episode of Yukan Club and ignore Junno and Yoko (who both made disturbingly cute girls) and focused on Jin.

He liked the way the black eyeliner made Jin's brown eyes even bigger and the way the lipgloss accentuated Jin's pout. He liked the smooth skin that peaked through as Jin moved in the dress. As well as the way Jin cupped his fake boobs. Yamapi fantasized for a moment that it was his own hands cupping Jin's chest before blinking at the noisy entrance of Jin.

Jin clattered into the room, his voice calling out to Yamapi. He stopped and grinned, holding his arms out to model an outfit.

Yamapi stared at the colourful red and black pirate costume. Then he nodded in approval at Jin's sparkley red skirt. "Welcome home, Jin."

"I'm home! Do you like it?" Jin gave a tiny model spin, making the skirt flare up.

"It's a good outfit for KAT-TUN."

Jin grinned, leaning closer. "I have something else too. They're making all of us dress up like girls. I want another opinion on my outfit. Wanna see?"

Yamapi blinked. "Sure."

"Good. Be right back." Jin turned and swept into their bedroom, cheerfully growling an "Arrrrrgh, matey!" at the poster of a half-naked woman in the hallway.

Jin came out moments later and Yamapi's eyes bulged.

Dressed in a tight skirt and a cute shirt with flowing sleeves, Jin turned slightly to show off the skull design on the back of the shirt. Jin had causually applied a tiny bit of eyeliner to the corner of his eyes, making them look bigger, and a touch of lipgloss. "What do you think? Think I can beat Kame for the prize?"

"Prize?" Yamapi echoed, staring at Jin's lips.

"Yeah. We get a really cool surprise for the concert if we win."

"I think you could win." Yamapi cleared his throat.

"Could?" Jin frowned.

"Yeah. You need to act more girly."

Jin's look became thoughtful, eyes focusing on Yamapi and walked slowly towards him. His hips swung out a bit more as the walk became seductive and Yamapi gulped at Jin's shadowed eyes. Jin stopped in front Yamapi, in between his knees, and placed a hand one hip, cocking it out with haughty attitude.

Yamapi reached up and pulled Jin down into a kiss. Jin opened his mouth willingly, pushing Yamapi backwards onto the couch and sprawling over him. Yamapi tugged Jin closer to him, hips pressing up as their tongues tangled. One hand wandered down to Jin's backside, squeezing and cupping his ass as the other stayed on the Jin's nape, stroking gently as they deepened their kisses.

Jin shifted

monthly challenge, writing, fic, i challenge you!

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