So. It's twenty to midnight, I'm tired, I have a mild head cold (stupid Brad), my throat is raw from all the screaming, and my cat was absolutely miserable the entire time I was away. Oh, and I'm completely broke and I'm pretty sure I owe everybody something.
But I had a BLAST. XD XD XD XD
More to come after I've finished recuperating. LOL
Leaving at five to get to friend's place at five-thirty, so we can all get to the airport by six and be on the plane when it departs at eight-thirty-five
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Spent forty-five minutes driving through rush hour traffic to go donate blood only to be told my iron's too low again. 11.7 while the minimum's 12.5. Argh
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First off, it's currently -26 C outside. Second....there's a reason I haven't gotten fired from my job yet. But I have absolutely no clue as to what it is
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First off, let me state that the weekend wasn't entirely boring; I gathered up and filed away all my paperwork that's been piling up for the last three months (said paperwork consists of bills, paystubs and mail
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