IF YOU'RE ON MY FRIENDS LIST, I want to know 35 things about you. I don't care if we never talk, or if we already know everything about each other. Short and sweet is fine...You're on my list, so I want to know you better
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Well i shall be home monday until january 15th if anyone would like a friend. Unforrtunatly i still work my hellish job and my days are consumed so it must be night time but not to late, as in dont call at 10 to hang out on a tuesday... not gonna happen. Otherwise please call no plans yet that i know of. Finals are blah just give the shit to me
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may 10th 2007 my life will be better. 21 credits this spring with research. But im excited for research. "The analysis of volitiles in low order explosives; single- and double-based gunpowders" but i can't wait to be through my juinor year, its so blah i mean next year is like holy and this is just clutter in the way
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well i figure its been long enough i should post. I'm back at school and just gave a speech to the school faculty and freshie and sunday that plus the rest of the school and i didnt cry. i wrote my speech and read it proud and i relized I'm not the same Nikki anymore. I am brave(r) i am outgoing to an extend (which is a hell of alot more then
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So as of today Jay and I have been together 4 years and I cannot believe how happy a person can make you or how much they can positivly change your life without even trying. I am even more willing to throw down some paper and just jump on him then i was so long ago sitting in latin class waiting for him to walk by so i could stare at him :) Im
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finally back at school so i can update ( dial up at home) break was great got a lot of time in with jay and saw all my friends even becky except i didnt get to see sam like i wanted but i was always busy people kept calling like already had plans for me. work went well i heard alot of things i wanted to and then the week i took off went real quick
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it cant be wrong if it feels this good. Its official I've decided but im not comfotable sharing until its on paper. but its just ahhhhh but now to write a paper haha