Title: Courage Fandom: CSI Pairing: Nick/Sara Disclaimer: Not mine. Don’t sue. Summary: Post Dead Ringer. They don’t call it liquid courage for nothing. A/N: Sequel to Luck. Part two of either three or four.
Oh, this is nice. It takes talent to write a "drunken kiss" scene gracefully, and this one is lovely in its simplicity.
The buildup is deft, and I love the little details that indicate that Sara has moved on since Grissom's confession. The dialogue between Nick and Sara is excellent, as always. I particularly like the exchange when Sara comes back from the dance floor. (Though I'm not sure I want to know what a Red Death is. Do I?)
Oh, that's a relief, thank you! I was worried this might seem forced and out of character - glad you don't think so. I honestly couldn't see Sara still holding onto the hope of a relationship with Grissom after Butterflied, whatever might have happened to rekindle it in later seasons - after hearing something like that, she had to at least have tried to move on.
A Red Death as I know it is vodka, amaretto, and cranberry and orange juice. Not my favourite drink, but it sounds nicely lethal to fit Nick's line.
Sometimes when I watch CSI, I feel that Sara is portrayed as this lovesick fool. Most people wouldn't have gone out with a guy after he had said a few years earlier that you just weren't the risk. Sometimes I would just wish that Sara would move on and grab the self-esteem that she should have but doesn't on the show. So I really liked how you dealt with her desire to be over Grissom.
The ending was also really nice. No jumping in bed like some stories but just a couple of very light kisses that will, hopefully, lead to further developments in Sara and Nick's relationship. Because who doesn't love Snicker fun?
I can see that a relationship she'd spent so many years hoping for would be hard to pass up, when Grissom finally did give it a chance, but after Butterflied, it must have seemed hopeless, and Sara must have tried to convince herself of that. It's wonderful to hear that you like this fic and the way I'm dealing with it - thanks so much!
Comments 6
i want more =P
More coming soon!
The buildup is deft, and I love the little details that indicate that Sara has moved on since Grissom's confession. The dialogue between Nick and Sara is excellent, as always. I particularly like the exchange when Sara comes back from the dance floor. (Though I'm not sure I want to know what a Red Death is. Do I?)
A Red Death as I know it is vodka, amaretto, and cranberry and orange juice. Not my favourite drink, but it sounds nicely lethal to fit Nick's line.
The ending was also really nice. No jumping in bed like some stories but just a couple of very light kisses that will, hopefully, lead to further developments in Sara and Nick's relationship. Because who doesn't love Snicker fun?
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