OOC Info
OOC Name: Halo
Age: 30 1/2
Email: LupineShadows@aol.com
AIM: LupineShadows
IC Info
Character Name: Jaime Elizabeth Davies
Journal: ... You know, I was going to go with Snow 'til I realized all the other crap that's on it. So I'll make her a new one and let you know if I'm accepted. XD
Fandom: None
PB: Alexis Bledel
Species: Human (mutant)
Age: 18
Sexuality: Mostly straight
Physical Description: Jaime stands 5'3" and is very slender. Her hair is medium to dark brown and straight, falling just past her shoulders. Her eyes are a light, clear blue. Her skin is fair and if there were sun, she'd worry about burning. Good thing there's not.
Personality: Jaime is a fairly typical teenager as far as her emotional range goes. She has fits of sullenness where she withdraws, bursts of obnoxious activity, and cruising speeds of neutral. She's generally outgoing, though 'friendly' isn't precisely a word to use for her - she's not miss helpful Suzy Sunshine. She tends to snark a bit, can come off as a bitch, but is generally well intentioned. She's occasionally sexually forward, though she doesn't take rejection of her affections very well. She has a few repressed issues with letting people get too close to her emotionally - but she was ditched by her parents when she was thirteen and she harbors deep seated insecurities due to that.
Strong points/Skills: Jaime's mutation allows her to find items, provided that she or the asker knows they exist. For example, her mutation wouldn't respond if she was asked to "find God" because neither party could know for sure God existed. She can, however find car physical items. She'll feel a 'pull' toward the item that won't stop until she's found it. If she's in a position where she can't physically get to the item, eventually she'll get a headache. If she sees the item in question, the pull will stop. Jaime's also strong willed, spirited, and possesses a decent survival instinct. Given her life prior to this, she's developed a toughness and is consequently hard to break emotionally/mentally. Which isn't to say she won't have fits or tantrums, but breaking? Is a long way off.
Weaknesses: Jaime suffers from the fragilities of being human. She also has touchy mental issues that make her a little irrational if someone scrapes at them. She possesses a stubborn streak that may prevent her from doing something she should do - or from not doing something she shouldn't do - on principle of the matter.
Jaime Davies was born to a well to do couple in an upscale New England neighborhood. For the first part of her life, life was good. She was an only child, and she was doted on and just a little spoiled. Shortly after her twelfth birthday, Jaime discovered she had a unique ability to find things. At first, her parents thought it was just a knack she had for finding keys and lost rings.
Then the headaches started, and a routine bloodtest showed she was carrying the mutant gene. Her 'knack' for finding lost keys and rings was actually a mutation. Though she showed no outward signs of a mutation - no oddly colored skin or hair or distnctive marks - her parents didn't want anything to do with her. They saw her as a freak, and as their failure.
She was then signed over to the State, to be used in experiments or adopted out to another family; her parents didn't care what happened to her. Their once-beautiful daughter was now ruined and tainted in their eyes. They couldn't live with the evidence of the failure, with the fact that one of them was carrying dirty blood.
Jaime was put into an orphanage, and for a few years she tried to understand why her parents suddenly hated her because of an extra gene in her makeup. It wasn't something she could control. It wasn't her fault. So why didn't they love her anymore? Over time, she grew bitter and jaded toward her parents, and concluded that no one was worth the effort of her affections. Not if this was how she was going to be treated. When she was fifteen, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer which resulted in a full hysterectomy. However, the doctors performing the surgery saw the note about the mutation in her files and decided to take custody of her for experiments of their own. The mutant gene was still relatively new, and since Jaime exhibited no outward signs of it, they wanted to find out more about her particular type.
When she was seventeen, Jaime and a few other experimental prisoners made a break for freedom. They ran together for a while before they eventually broke up and went their own ways. Eighteen now and free from any fear of someone taking guardianship of her, Jaime roamed from part time job to part time job, simply trying to live her life.
RP Sample:
http://community.livejournal.com/riverfell/15746.html#cutid1 Plot sample
http://community.livejournal.com/dauphinmare/103991.html#cutid1 most recent completed post
http://community.livejournal.com/riverfell/35117.html?thread=1140781#t1140781 in progress plot post
Do you mind if I unscreen your application? Yes. Is going in bio anyway
Did you read the rules? This is the bit where I say something about fearing the darkness to prove I read them, right? Right? XD yeah, I saw.