Title: Attack on the School: At the Gates
andersenmomClaim: Coed School
Prompt: Table 4: 02 - count
Fandom: rpf: Coed School
Rating: PG
Word Count:
Summary: It's his third battle so far today. He's a bit tired.
Notes/Warnings: Part of the Mutant!verse created by
dizzy_grace and I.
Written for
Disclaimer: Not mine, not true.
Table Previous:
Fair Warning,
First Sortie,
Not My Job,
Distractive Measures,
Sound Tracks,
Not Your Usual Spy HyeWon let Taewoon go and popped out of the way before he'd quite managed to get himself oriented, but he did see someone he didn't know hit SungMin over the head. He moved instinctively, slamming the man with a concussion beam before taking in everything else. The man went down, flopping away from Sungmin. KwangHaeng appeared to take SungMin, vanishing through the portal, only to reappear almost instantly to get SooHyun. TaeWoon turned his attention to the battle he'd ignored to try to catch his breath a bit.
There weren't many moving any more and he started targeting those that were, moving from closest to the school to farthest away. He stumbled once, after a particularly distant shot, and stopped for a moment, shaking his head. He couldn't even count how many still needed to be taken care of.
"Are you okay?" someone asked, someone familiar, and it took him a minute to realize it was Narsha, the teacher.
It took him even longer to figure out how to answer her. "I think so," he said, then pushed her aside and shoved another beam at someone sneaking up behind her, someone he didn't know. The man went over, and he almost did as well.
She caught him before he fell. "Thank you," she said. "HyoYoung, he's got the self-preservation instincts of a lemming. Send KwangHaeng out here now."
"A lemming?" TaeWoon repeated, stunned, but then KwangHaeng took his arm, walked him through a tunnel, and shoved him at a bed. He collapsed on it, exhausted, and passed out.