Title: Maybe...
Rating: PG
Pairing: Andrew/Warren
Disclaimer: None of the geeks are mine. Even if I want them to be.
Note: For the
contrelamontre frustrated lust challenge. I think this constitutes as frustrated lust for Andrew...because he's not quite like other people. Written in 35 minutes.
Andrew had a crush. )
Comments 6
<3 ^_~
You should post it! There are definitely not enough Andrew fics out there.
(The comment has been removed)
Poor Andrew. He needs someone better to bestow his affections on!
He does! Like me. I am convinced he is bi and could fall in love with a girl... Like Jonathan. He's a little cutie and my second favorite character from the trio. I've never liked Warren much...probably mostly because I see him as using Andrew.
It made me want to hug the boy and tell him that everything will be alright, and Lex Luthor still has feelings, doesn't he. And besides, Warren for sure doesn't smile and wink to everyone, isn't it?
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