that, my friend, is the question of the year. i'm in decatur, always working. should be free a couple of evenings next week. let's plan drinks. very soon.
for some reason they don't seem to think guys last too long as logistics coordinators (although my dad was one and did just fine). I'll check sales or the management team. That be where the menfolk work.
doesn't your soul respond surprisingly well to being bought? aaaah! i am unemployed! will work for health insurance! congratulations on being awesome and working!
we are moving into a tiny basement apt. tomorrow. it's all good out here, but i still feel like i am on some kind of trippy vacation. certainly once we get settled and i start doing job interviews it will feel like i live here.
Comments 7
where are you and why aren't we hanging-out before friday?
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congratulations on being awesome and working!
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